School Council

At Smawthorne Henry MooreAcademy, we pride ourselves on listening to our pupils; ideas; sharing their vision and giving everyone a voice. Each year, a representative from each class is elected for the School Council and the children in Year Six elect a Head Boy and a Head Girl. Right from the start of the academic year, our School Council learns about democracy, respect and decision making. This year, we will also be linking every School Councillor to a subject area so they can have an input with the planning and delivery of their lessons. 

Every half term we have a meeting where councillors set and discuss an agenda; feedback information and put forward ideas from the classes they represent and make decisions. The minutes and agendas can be seen displayed on our ‘Pupil Voice’ board in school. In previous school council meetings, the children have  planned a Halloween disco, discussed ideas for new playground equipment and organised some charity work for the Harvest festival. We have been busy! Our ideas are always then shared with Councillor Forster, who is our Chair of Governors, and he takes them to the governors' meetings for us. 


Meet our School Councillors

Head Boy













Head Girl





Our new school council are now in post and are excited to start their duties. Congratulations to the councillors, we all look forward to the year ahead together.

An action plan will be created with the school councillors in the Spring term and each councillor will be given a sub-committee responsibility.

We have lots of ideas and plans for the coming academic year and look forward to posting these on our Class Dojo page for you to share.

Thank you, School Council





Pupil Voice








2023-2024 School Council Action Plan